

National Federation of Fishmongers Fishmonger of the Year 2024

We would like to congratulate the WINNER of NFF FISHMONGER OF THE YEAR 2024 –  Bells Fishmongers

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The National Federation of Fishmongers published the following:

‘We’re delighted to announce that the WINNER of NFF FISHMONGER OF THE YEAR 2024 is Bell’s Fishmonger. The excellent standard of all our finalists was extremely impressive and knowing that there are so many fantastic examples of ‘what good looks like’ around the country is a testament to the hard work and effort that each of them puts into their businesses every single day.
Bells stood out as particularly exceptional and really impressed our judges as much as they seemed to impress their customers.
Focussing on quality, the team are highly skilled and very knowledgeable and their product range, including lots of locally caught fish and shellfish, is outstanding. Their huge range of homemade products are all prepared beautifully and obviously very popular with their customers. Their attention to detail across every part of the business is so impressive, so a huge well done to the whole team for a very deserving win’.

The NFF Council are looking forward to receiving all our finalists at Fishmongers Hall in December for the official presentation and lunch and want
to thank everyone for getting involved.


Seafood Grimsby and Humber Host BBQ to Celebrate Successful Future Leaders Programme


Seafood Grimsby and Humber hosted a celebration for their successful Future Leaders Programme with a special BBQ event at Healing Manor Hotel, Grimsby, recently. The event brought together Future Leader participants, industry delivery partners, and key stakeholders to recognise and celebrate the achievements of the programme during the past year.

The Future Leaders Programme, an initiative aimed at nurturing the next generation of leaders within the seafood processing and trading industry, has successfully concluded its latest cohort. The programme has now provided over 60 participants with comprehensive training, mentorship, and hands-on experience to develop their leadership skills and seafood industry knowledge.

“We are incredibly proud of the accomplishments of our Future Leaders Programme participants,” said Skills sub-Board Chairperson, Emma de Beer, representing Seafood Grimsby and Humber. “This BBQ event is our way of celebrating their hard work and dedication, and also thanking our industry delivery partners who have been instrumental in making this programme a success.”

The BBQ celebration featured a talk from Eleanor Adamson representing the The Fishmongers’​ Company about the Company’s activities in skills, schools education and research. Also, the attendees heard from the Alliance’s own Schools Ambassador, Joanne Woodhouse, about opportunities to engage with local schools including, leadership roles in Governance as well as, Julie Waites who manages the Master Fishmonger Standard on behalf of the Alliance.

Emma De Beer went on to say “The support and collaboration from our industry delivery partners has been vital to the success of the Future Leaders Programme. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our partners for their commitment to developing future leaders and contributing to the growth and sustainability of the seafood industry.”

The next three Future Leaders programmes will be delivered twice in September 2024 and then in January 2025. For further information contact Andrew


The Fishmongers’ Company congratulates the recent success of new MFS Master and Recognised Fishmongers

Four new recipients of the MASTER FISHMONGER STANDARD (MFS) were congratulated this month, as they completed their assessments to recognise their skills in the fishmongering trade. These marked the first candidates to pass since Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance became the new custodians for the scheme.

 The Fishmongers’ Company’s Charities Communication Manager, Gavin O’Donnell, congratulated the recent accredited MFS candidates: To be recognised by the MFS, a candidate has to not only demonstrate excellent knife skills but also knowledge of species, sustainability, and customer communication, a huge congratulations to our candidates for showing such commitment and passing the vigorous assessments, truly deserved



Sue Mackenzie, owner of The Fish Shop; Passionate about Fish Ltd, and CJ Jackson from Billingsgate Seafood School received their accreditation for the Master Tier of the Master Fishmonger Standard. Alan Brinck; a fishmonger for Waitrose and Joe Hembrough from The Menai Seafood Company, achieved the Recognised Tier of the Master Fishmonger Standard.

On receiving notification of his Award, Alan said ‘I am pleased to be accepted as an MFS Recognised Fishmonger and look forward to engaging with everyone in the future’.

Chris Parker, Wales Seafood Cluster Manager, said: ‘As an assessor for The Master Fishmonger Standard, I find it incredibly rewarding to witness first-hand how this program promotes exceptional knowledge, craftsmanship, and high standards in the industry. Congratulations to our recent candidates—your awards are well-deserved!’

Passionate about fish and the environment, while upholding the heritage and craftmanship of the fishmonger trade, the Master Fishmonger Standard celebrates professional excellence by certifying fishmongers with extensive professional skills and knowledge.

The MFS was developed by The Fishmongers’ Company in 2018 and is supported by a number of influential members of the fish trade, not least the National Federation of Fishmongers. As an ancient Guild, The Fishmongers’ Company has a historic interest in helping to preserve and commend the fishmonger trade and support those who have adapted to a progressive industry.

Keen to encourage career progression and foster career-long working relationships, the MFS recognises achievement for both new and highly experienced fishmongers through five certification tiers. The ultimate accolade for working fishmongers is the MFS Master Fishmonger tier, whilst the MFS Companion recognises and rewards outstanding lifetime achievements in the fishmonger trade.

The MFS aims to bring to life the craftmanship of fishmongers by communicating rich and authentic stories and, in doing so, hopes to empower consumers to strive towards and seek out excellence.


Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance (SG&HA) to be the next custodians of the Master Fishmonger Standard

The Master Fishmonger Standard (MFS) was developed by The Fishmongers’ Company, to celebrate skilled craftmanship, quality seafood, and responsible and sustainable practices. Becoming certified helps showcase traditional craft skills and commitment to the trade. It recognises achievement across all levels and different disciplines and is composed of five tiers – MFS Recognised Fishmonger, MFS Advanced Fishmonger, MFS Master Fishmonger, MFS Companion Fishmonger, and MFS Craft Fishmonger.


Seafood Grimsby & Humber (SGHA) are the newly appointed custodians of the standard. SGHA Chairperson, Simon Smith, remarked “We’re honoured to take over this responsibility from The Fishmongers’ Company. Julie Waites is part of the SGHA team and is well placed to uphold and help govern the scheme’s standards and foster fellowship among members for the greater good of the industry.  Having worked in the seafood industry for 27 years, Julie is well networked across the seafood industry and has a reliable work ethic. The standard will be in good hands to ensure that the certification is accessible for the fishmongers in the UK, and is relevant, both now and for the future.


Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance wants to ensure that all small independent retailers, as well as large suppliers and mobile operators, utilise the benefits of being part of the MFS.


Chairman of the Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust, Nigel Bankes commented: “We established the Master Fishmonger Standard to recognise all those who excel in our historical namesake trade, and we are very pleased to see it moving forwards in safe hands at the heart of the UK’s modern day seafood trade in Grimsby.”


Fishmongers’ Company Prime Warden, Fred Stroyan commented “Those who achieve MFS certification in what is a demanding and highly skilled profession represent the future of our industry, and I am encouraged that a fresh MFS presence in Grimsby will recognise and build skills among the core of the fish trade, from large processors to independent operators.”